Penn Women's Rugby is a club sport governed completely by its members. We are also coached by Adam Dick. As a part of the Collegiate Ivy Conference, we compete intercollegiately in both the fall and the spring. In addition to being competitive, we are quite a social group, and we tend to think of ourselves not just as a team but also as a family. On that note, new players are ALWAYS welcome, NO experience necessary. We are always looking for prospective ruggers; if you are interested in checking out our club, feel free to contact us at upennwrfc@gmail.com, or you are also welcome, and greatly encouraged, to show up to any of our practice sessions.
Our weekly practice times are:
Wednesdays: 6-8 at Dunning Cohen Champions Field
Fridays: 6-8 on Adams Field
What You'll Need:
All you need for practice and to play in a game are cleats, a mouthguard, and spandex. If you don’t have all of these right away don’t worry, we plan trips to get equipment for new players. All uniforms will be supplied by the team and do not need to be purchased.​
Follow us on social media:
twitter @pennwomensrugby
instagram upennwrfc
facebook University of Pennsylvania Women's Rugby